Graduate students in the College of Science earned notable recognition during the 2023-24 academic year, receiving a range of awards which highlight their achievements and contributions to Oregon State.
The College of Science community recently gathered to celebrate this year's Alumni Award recipients. These individuals have enriched many lives through their professional achievements, impact and service. They embody our vision to extend the reach and impact of science by improving life for the people of Oregon and beyond.
Faculty, staff and graduate students from the College of Science won nine awards at University Day, the celebratory kickoff to the academic year featuring an annual awards ceremony. These awards highlight excellence in teaching, advising, research and diversity advocacy, showing the College as a leader across the university.
When homelessness and poverty strike, dental care often becomes a distant priority, leading many to resort to desperate measures like pulling their own teeth. Anika Phuvasate and her fellow Oregon State University Pre-Dental Club members are changing that narrative by organizing free clinics that offer compassionate, judgment-free dental services. These efforts not only restore smiles but also dignity, proving that everyone deserves access to essential care.
For five days, the students participated in the Ignite inSTEM summer camp, a groundbreaking initiative to diversify the biomedical workforce by engaging underrepresented youth in hands-on science for the first time and improving their retention in STEM.
Heading to college can feel like moving to a whole new world. For chemistry senior Marua Bekbossyn, this rang even more true. Her move from Almaty, Kazakhstan to the U.S. had its challenges, but the resources and genuine connections she discovered at Oregon State made all the difference.
A collaborative team co-led by a College of Science researcher have taken a key step toward closing the knowledge gap with a study that indicates silver nanoparticles’ shape and surface chemistry play key roles in how they affect aquatic ecosystems.
Wei Kong enjoys taking the road less traveled, and she is not timid in making bold decisions to get oriented and reoriented. On May 13, 2024, she will present the 2024 F.A. Gilfillan Memorial Lecture, titled “Which way up: Using field orientation to see the unseen.”
Manon Vezinet spent last summer working with the Cornelius Laboratory, led by Integrative Biology Assistant Professor Jamie Cornelius, studying how increased frequency of unfavorable weather events affects nestling growth. Because of the SURE program, Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, Vezinet was able to experience the once-in-a lifetime opportunity to conduct undergraduate field research and get paid to do it.