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Graduate Student Resources

Graduate Student Resources

As a Graduate Student in the Chemistry department, it is our job to ensure that you are as successful as you can be. To that end, we want to be a resource for you to get whatever help you may require.

  • The Graduate Student Handbook is a great resource about the department and requirements for your degree program.
  • Your PI can be a resource as well.
  • The office staff are happy to discuss anything and everything with you. As the Graduate Coordinator, Tara Stacy would be your first point of contact. If she can't help you, she'll find out who can.

Don't be afraid to ask questions... we're here to help you!

Wellness and mental health resources

We value your health, mental and physical! Learn more about some of the resources we have available to help you.

Counseling and Psychological Services, commonly called CAPS, provides a number of services to Oregon State University students, including counseling sessions, a crisis helpline and mindfulness meditation sessions. For further information on CAPS, please call them at 541-737-2131.

Learn more about CAPS

The University Ombuds Office is a confidential service wherein an individual may make an appointment to discuss whatever is troubling them, or more than one person may make an appointment to resolve a conflict. The University Ombuds do not take notes during their appointments and will completely respect the privacy of anyone who visits them.

Visit the University Ombuds Office today

Student Health Services is here to serve the physical and mental health needs of OSU students. In addition to providing vaccinations, health check-ups and laboratory testing, they also provide information on acupuncture, massage and health coaching services here on campus. If you have further questions or need to make an appointment, please call Student Health Services at 541-737-9355.

Learn more about managing stress with Student Health Services
Contact Student Health Services

A community of peer support at the Basic Needs Center can help you file for unemployment, find housing resources and learn about the Oregon Health Plan. BNC will connect you with food, emergency housing and other services. The friendly student staff at the BNC are there to guide and assist you in the face of unexpected financial challenges.

Navigate resources at the Basic Needs Center

Disability Access Services

Disability Access Services provides accommodations including alternative testing and classroom access, deaf and hard-of-hearing services and academic coaching to enhance student success at Oregon State University.

Money Matters

As of August 2, 2021, OSU has implemented a new process for expense reimbursements. From now on, personal reimbursements should be requested using the Concur Travel & Expense application.

The first time you log into Concur, you will need to set up your profile.

You can access Concur through direct the link above.

To request a reimbursement in Concur, you will need to create a non-travel expense report. You can view these training videos if you need assistance.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Travel & Expense Office at [email protected].

If you need to purchase lab supplies, please download and complete the below form. Have your PI submit to [email protected] with the word "approved" in the email.

Fillable Purchase Order Form

The hope is to streamline this process to achieve a 24-hour ordering turnaround time. Submissions emailed before 11 am will hopefully be completed before close of business that same day.

Funding conferences and travel

When looking for resources to fund travel as a graduate student, you have several options.  You can choose them all, or just choose the ones that are right for you.  Below are some of your options.

The Graduate School encourages graduate students to present their research and scholarship at professional conferences and meetings. We understand that presentation opportunities help build transferrable skills, highlight the outstanding academic work of our scholarly community, and ultimately support graduate student success. To assist students in these endeavors, the Graduate School offers the Scholarly Presentation Award to provide graduate students with financial support to assist with certain costs associated with presenting their scholarly work at academic conferences and meetings.

Apply for a graduate school Scholarly Presentation Award

Many professional development opportunities exist beyond the university to help graduate students build core competencies and transferrable skills. The Graduate School invites students to apply for funding through the Professional Development Award to help cover costs for qualifying training, resources, and activities that contribute to professional skills development.

Apply for the graduate school Professional Development Award

If travel is international, students must also apply for (but not necessarily receive) COSSTA. This award is intended to help partially fund international travel for graduate students and requires matching funds.

Apply for COSSTA

The form linked below is intended for Chemistry department students/postdocs only. Departmental funding may not be contingent upon matching funds from your PI.

*Note Departmental travel funding is separate from Grad School travel funding

Chemistry Student Travel Funding Request Form