Faculty and students in the chemistry department at Oregon State University have easy access to state-of-the-art facilities, including electron microscopes, mass spectrometers, NMR, X-ray diffractometers and a variety of material synthesis and characterization instruments. Dedicated staff members of each facility are available for consultation, sample processing and measurements, and in many cases, assistance with data analysis. Training opportunities are also offered to those interested — both inside and outside the university. In some cases, for-credit courses may also be offered to students and interested parties. Innovation, renovation and upgrade have always been a central feature of these facilities, which have helped foster successful spin-off companies and research centers.
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Facilities, Centers and Services

Key research facilities

Electron Microscopy Facility
The facility offers imaging solutions to students, scientists and industry partners through the most advanced electron microscopes, including an FEI Titan with ChemiSTEM technology, related instrumentation, as well as consultation with expert staff.
Services include electron microscopy instrumentation for all basic and applied STEM research programs, graduate and undergraduate training and education.

Materials Synthesis and Characterization Facility

Materials Synthesis and Characterization Facility
The Materials Synthesis and Characterization Facility is a comprehensive innovation center that provides researchers with deep experience in thin-film deposition, device fabrication, and materials analysis. The Facility serves as a premier hub for materials and device development at OSU, and partners with industry to foster novel technologies and products.
Services include materials and device synthesis and characterization, new product development, industrial research collaboration.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
A leading-edge facility that serves diverse researchers across the Pacific Northwest, and hosting the highest-field NMR spectrometers in the state of Oregon. The NMR Facility supports NMR-related research and education in order to advance the understanding of fundamental physical and biological systems that span multi-disciplinary areas of science.
Services include biomolecular and small molecule NMR analysis, analytical ultracentrifugation and more.

OSU Mass Spectrometry Center
A central pillar in a network of interdisciplinary research at Oregon State that supports and accelerates research in environmental health, biomedical and biological sciences and any research that depends on cutting-edge mass spectrometry. The center is a state and university-wide resource that also trains young professionals in mass spectrometry on the most modern equipment available.
Services include analysis of large and small biomolecules, proteins and peptides, biopolymers and synthetic polymers.

X-Ray Diffraction Lab
The X-Ray Diffraction Lab (XRD) offers specialized and powerful instrumentation for characterizing and offering detailed information about the structure of crystalline substances of great importance in chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering and biology. The XRD Facility enables users to tackle complex problems focused on the characterization of atomic structures through judicious collection of X-ray data. The facility utilizes versatile X-ray scattering and diffractometers to analyze nanoscale structures, dimensions and properties. The diffractometers provide advanced structure determination that include phase identifications of crystalline powders, measurements of nanomaterials, thin-film measurements and single crystal diffraction.
Services include tools and training for XRD related work for both OSU members and outside collaborators; diffraction; pair distribution function analysis; small angle X-ray scattering.
Chemistry services

Chemistry Stores
The Oregon State University Chemistry Stores provides chemicals and laboratory supplies to all OSU researchers & educators, OUS institutions, state agencies, and districts within the Oregon Public School System. Products stocked include liquid nitrogen, dry ice, and a variety of other chemicals, lab, and office supplies. Chem Stores is self-serve so please wear appropriate clothing and shoes when entering any Chem Stores area.
Electronics Shop
A dedicated Electronics Shop with an OSU staff, Electronics Development Engineer, who provides diagnostic, troubleshooting, and repair of electronics and electro-mechanical teaching, laboratory, and field equipment. The Electronics Shop also provides repair consulting services.
The Machine Shop is open Monday and Thursday 7:30am - 4:30pm.
Machine Shop
The Machine Shop is populated by an OSU Staff Machinist, who can fabricate custom designs, and parts for your lab needs.
Machine Shop Services are billed at $60/hr.