Chemistry is often referred to as the “central science” because it intersects with almost every science and engineering discipline. Chemistry, and chemists, are key components across a broad section of the world economy. Where ever you’re sitting right now you are surrounded by products made by chemists: paint, lighting, computer chips, and displays, wood laminate, metal doors and chairs, paper, pharmaceuticals, air fresheners... The list goes on forever. Chemists consistently have low unemployment rates and high salaries compared to the rest of the economy and are found in every sector of society including medicine, law, industry, academics and government.
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Get to know campus!
We encourage you to tour our beautiful Oregon State campus and visit the department's cutting-edge facilities and research laboratories! Department tours are facilitated during our Open House Weekend in March, but also available through the OSU Visitor's Center.
Exploring Corvallis
Corvallis is a small university town of 50,000 an hour-and-a-half drive south of Portland in the beautiful Willamette Valley. Summers are mild with temperatures of 85°F, clear blue skies, and low humidity; winter lows seldom dip below 32°F. The Pacific Northwest is famous for rain which results in lush green forests and farmland. Residents enjoy microbrews, strong coffee, and local wines with their unique Northwest cuisine. Within an hour’s drive, a parade of volcanic peaks marches through the Cascade Mountains offering rugged terrain for hiking, biking, camping, rock climbing, and water and snow sports. The Pacific coast is a pleasant 50-minute drive to the west.