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A woman with long black hair smiles, holding her hands around her face. Pine trees and shrubs blanket the mountains behind her.

International chemistry senior finds her footing at Oregon State

Heading to college can feel like moving to a whole new world. For chemistry senior Marua Bekbossyn, this rang even more true. Her move from Almaty, Kazakhstan to the U.S. had its challenges, but the resources and genuine connections she discovered at Oregon State made all the difference.

Sonia Grutzius working with Ryan Mehl in the lab.
Student Success

Oregon's top pre-med program meets the growing demand for doctors

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating a surging interest in science and medicine, attracting a new generation of students to a career in medicine. Enrollment in the College of Science’s pre-med program at Oregon State University has also remained high, with numbers averaging 90-100 pre-med students annually since 2019.

coral at bottom floor of shallow ocean

Marine science student carries on Wei Family Foundation founder's love of travel

Half a world away in Australia, Milan Sengthep, a Wei Family Foundation Scholar, studied with world-renowned marine scientists at James Cook University.

Shan Lansing and colleague working with lab equipment in blue lab coats

Four years and two degrees later

Shan Lansing earned her master's degree in one year and her bachelor's in three. Now's she's beginning a career in medicine at Ohio State University.