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Transfer student information

Two students sitting on a bench eating lunch outside of Strand Agriculture Hall.

Welcome to Oregon State and your Chemistry Community!

Chemistry plays a pivotal role in many areas of science and technology and chemists often work in teams at the interface with other science and engineering disciplines in a broad range of industries, for example, pharmaceuticals, batteries, solar cells, biotechnology, forensics, polymers, food, and semi-conductors. Chemistry is a strong preparation for graduate school. Job prospects for chemists are excellent with typical unemployment rates for chemists about half the national average! Transfer students with a strong preparation in chemistry, math and physics can transfer into the junior level for chemistry majors.

In order to assist incoming transfer students with assessing their credits coming into OSU, we have provided a collection of links and information about chemistry course articulations, requirements for chemistry majors and how courses from other schools articulate for the chemistry major.

Get ready to transfer

Resources for Transfer students interested in a Chemistry major at OSU.

  1. See the Transfer Credit Central link on the OSU Transfer Students web site – a comprehensive site for resources for transfer students . Check out the following helpful tools:
  • Single Course Search Tool - a quick and easy way to determine course equivalencies for a few courses at a time from other colleges and universities to OSU. See the directions on the front splash page.
  • See examples for Baccalaureate Core Courses offered at Oregon Community Colleges – a good resource for planning before transferring. “Bacc Cores” are general elective requirements for all OSU students.
  1. Under Additional Resources on the Transfer Credit Central page, see:

Course articulation

If there are courses listed that are not articulated from your school after you have checked the Single Search Transfer tool, you can request a review from the Chemistry department. Send a brief email with the following information to Chemistry Articulation:

  1. Your name
  2. Your OSU ID (if you have one)
  3. Your advisors name and email address.
  4. The name of the transfer school. No abbreviations. (i.e. University of Oregon or Oregon State University, not UofO or OSU)
  5. The course title and the course number you wish to have evaluated (i.e. General Chemistry, CH 101)
  6. A copy of the syllabus for the course you would like reviewed as close as possible to the term you took the course. Catalog entries and course descriptions do not give us sufficient information to be able to articulate a course.

You can expect a response to take 1-2 weeks but we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

If your credits are from an unaccredited institution or are professional credit, you can submit an Unaccredited College or Professional Technical Credit Petition form.

In many cases, a course may not articulate as a specific OSU course, but the course may still serve as a prerequisite for other chemistry courses. This situation requires that you contact the OSU chemistry department([email protected]) and request an override to register for a course.

Chemistry articulation guides

An articulation guide is a table that shows what courses taken at another institution would articulate as if the course had been taken at OSU. These tables will help you evaluate your in-state, advanced placement and/or international baccalaureate, and out-of-state course scores to determine how they will articulate for course credit at OSU. These tools can be immensely helpful when transferring credits toward your degree.

Chemistry major

Transfer to oregon state for either a B.S. or B.A. in chemistry and develop in-depth knowledge and analytical skills with advanced courses and laboratory experience in organic, analytical, physical and inorganic chemistry.

Chemistry minor

Combine a chemistry minor with your major in biology, physics, engineering, mathematics, public health or other sciences to deepen your science education and broaden your job opportunities in industry and research labs.

Prerequisites and overrides

In some cases, a chemistry course may not articulate as a specific OSU chemistry course but may serve as a prerequisite for other chemistry courses. This situation requires that you contact the OSU chemistry department for an override to be able to register for some courses.