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Chemistry minor after graduation

Chemistry minor after graduation

A student can add the undergraduate (credential) minor even after graduation from OSU or after receiving an undergraduate degree from a school other than OSU. The criteria for this subsequent credential are specified below.


  1. Complete current requirements for the minor and receive the Dean's approval.
  2. Achieve a minimum of 2.0 OSU cumulative grade point average on work taken for the subsequent credential.
  3. A minimum of 15 credits must be OSU courses.

All minors require at least 27 credits, 12 or more which must be upper-division (some minors require more than this). For a subsequent chemistry minor (after a graduating from another school with a BA or BS), 15 credits of chemistry must be taken at OSU For a chemistry minor, the GPA for all transferred chemistry courses and all OSU chemistry courses must be 2.0 or greater and all courses must be taken for a grade (not S/U or equivalent at another institution)

How to apply

The form to obtain the minor is also different from that used by an OSU undergraduate before graduation and is obtained from Registrar's office. This form is called "Completion of Subsequent Credential." The College of Science will provide the chemistry department with a copy of the official transcript from other schools as part of the minor audit.

Information needed if the undergraduate degree is not from OSU

For students that obtain their undergraduate degree elsewhere and then enter OSU as a postbac student, the admissions office will not enter the transfer credits into the electronic records. Therefore, if chemistry courses from another school are used for the minor requirement, an official transcript from the other school is required. The CH courses in question must be ones that would articulate (under normal circumstances) to OSU as appropriate chemistry courses according to accepted articulations. The student may be asked to provide more complete documentation about the transfer courses including detailed syllabi and details of the number of hours or lecture and laboratory.