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Materials Science Option

Materials Science Option


The materials science option customized to include applied courses in a variety of materials areas to enhance career opportunities in, for example, electronics, polymers and biotechnology. Students can earn a chemistry degree in four years while targeting a career in this field or preparing for graduate school in chemistry or related areas.

Chemistry core (79 - 81 credits)

Materials science option (30-33 credits)

Courses by year

This page serves as a general suggestion for students looking to complete their materials science option degree within four years. We always recommend working with your advisor to find the best academic plan for you.

General Chemistry (15): CH 231 (or 231H) & 271, 232 (or 232H) & 272, 233 (or 233H) & 273
Careers in Chemistry (1)b: CH 220b
Elementary Functions (4)c: MTH 112c
Calculus (8): MTH 251, 252
Writing I (Bacc Core) (3): WR 121(or 121H)
Speech (Bacc Core) (3): COMM 111 (or 111H) or 114 (or 114H) or 211 or 218
Fitness (Bacc Core) (3): HHS 231 and PAC or HHS Lab
Perspectives (Bacc Core) (3): Options
General Electives (5)

Organic Chemistry (9): CH 334, 335, 336
Experimental Chemistry I (6): CH 361, 362
Vector Calculus I (4): MTH 254
General Physics (15): PH 211 & 221, 212 & 222, 213 & 223
Applied Differential Equations (4): MTH 256
Writing II (Bacc Core) (3): Options
Perspectives (Bacc Core) (3): Options
General Electives (1)

Biomaterials (4): BIOE 451
Quantitative Analysis (4) or Analytical Chemistry (9): CH 324 or CH 421, 422 and 461d
Physical Chemistry (9): CH 440, 441, 442
Experimental Chemistry (3): CH 462 (WIC)
Polymer Engineering & Science (4): CHE 445
Statics (3): ENGR 211
Intro to Materials Science (4): MATS 321
Strength of Materials (3): ENGR 213
Perspective or DPD (Bacc Core) (6): Options
Synthesis (Bacc Core) (3): Options
General Electives (3)

Inorganic Chemistry (6): CH 411, 412d

Select one of the following

Physical Chemistry of Materials (3): CH 445
Surface Chemistry (3): CH 448
Solid State Chemistry (3): CH 413
Perspective (3): Options
Synthesis (3): Options
Forensic Science Electives (9-11): See Additional information below
General Electives (19-21)

Sample course timetable

Fall term

  • CH 231 & 271
    MTH 112a
    CH 220b

Winter term

  • CH 232 & 272
    MTH 251

Spring term

  • CH 233 & 273
    MTH 252

Fall term

  • CH 334
    CH 361
    PH 211 & 221
    MTH 254

Winter term

  • CH 335
    CH 362
    PH 212 & 222
    MTH 256

Spring term

  • CH 336
    PH 213 & 223

Fall term

  • CH 440
    CH 324
    ENGR 211

Winter term

  • CH 441
    CH 462
    ENGR 321

Spring term

  • CH 442
    CHE 445
    ENGR 213

Fall term

  • CH 411
    Material Science Electivesc

Winter term

  • CH 412
    (CH 445 or CH 448 when offered)d
    Materials Science Electivesc

Spring term

  • CH 413 d
    Materials Science Electivesc


aMTH 112 can be taken to prepare for MTH 251 if the score on ALEKS Math Placement assessment is 60-74. MTH 112 is not a required course for the chemistry degree.

bChemistry majors are strongly encouraged to take the chemistry major's orientation course, CH 220, Careers in Chemistry, fall term. This is 1cr (P/N).

cFor electives, choose three courses from the following list:

  • CH 401 or CHE 401 Research (3)
  • ENGR 221 The Science, Engineering And Social Impact of Nanotechnology (3)
  • ME 581 Thermodynamics Of Solids (4)
  • ECE 416 Electronic Materials and Devices (4)
  • MATS 322 Mechanical Properties of Materials (3)
  • ENGR 212 Dynamics (3)
  • ME 316 Mechanics of Materials (3)

All pre-requisite courses to ENGR, CBEE or CHE courses require a C or better grade.

dCH 445 and CH 448 are not taught every year. CH 513 substitutes for this requirement otherwise CH 513 or CH 417X can be used as a material science elective.

Note: Students will be assigned a chemistry advisor involved in materials science in chemistry.

The order of courses is suggested. For the track-two core courses (CH, MTH, PH), the order is critical because of prerequisites and the fact that most CH courses are taught only one term per year. The options courses (ENGR, CHE, ME, etc.) can be taken at different times than indicated, but one must be concerned with the prerequisites and the fact that many of these courses are taught only one term per year.

Bacc Core courses are not shown in the table but are specified as Baccalaureate Core Requirements

This timetable is based on the courses in the enforced curriculum not necessarily listed in the OSU catalog.

Additional information

  1. If students choose the analytical chemistry sequence CH 421, 422, 461, only one inorganic course (3 cr), CH 411, is required. CH 411 and CH 412 are a sequence so that CH 411 is the specified inorganic chemistry course.
  2. CH 462 is the recommended WIC course and CH 422 is strongly recommended as a co-requisite. If this course does not fit with your schedule you can take one of the other WIC lab courses (CH 464 Fall or CH 463 Spring).
  3. Students will need to contact the College of Engineering to obtain approval to enroll in restricted ENGR courses; for CBEE course overrides, contact the CBEE Advising Office, and for MATS courses, contact the MIME Advising office [email protected]. Please make sure that you indicate on your override request form that you are in the materials science option in the B.S. in chemistry degree. Students should first complete math through MTH 256 and the physics sequence through PH 212.
  4. Students interested in materials science are encouraged to do undergraduate research in this area. Contact one of our researchers in chemistry materials sciences or in the MIME department for example.
  5. The elective courses for the materials science option are to be approved by the student's academic adviser by the end of the winter quarter of the junior year. A maximum of three credits of research (CH 401 or CHE 401) can be applied to the program.

Enforced materials science courses (30-33 cr.)

Select one of the three following courses:

Physical Chemistry of Materials (3) or Surface Chemistry (3) or Solid State Chemistry (3)

Note: CH 445 or 448 are rarely taught

  • CH 445 or CH 448 or CH 513

Polymer Engineering and Science (4)

  • CHE 445

Statics (3)

  • ENGR 211

Strength of Materials (3)

  • ENGR 213

Introduction to Materials Science (4)

  • MATS 321

Applied Differential Equations (4)

  • MTH 256

Material science electives (9-12 cr,)

Select three elective courses from the following list:

  • CH 401 or CHE 401 Research (3)
  • ECE 416 Electronic Materials and Devices (4)
  • ENGR 212 Dynamics (3)
  • ENGR 221 The Science, Engineering And Social Impact of Nanotechnology (3)
  • MATS 322 Mechanical Properties of Materials (3)
  • ME 316 Mechanics of Materials (3)
  • ME 581 Thermodynamics Of Solids (4)

Typical course availability

Required courses

CH 513 Solid State Chemistry (3-4)

  • Spring term
  • Prerequisites: CH 442 recommended

CHE 445 Polymer Engineering and Science (4)

  • Fall term
  • Prerequisites: CH 336 and MTH 256

CHE 446 Polymer Engineering and Science (4)

  • Spring term
  • Prerequisites: CH 336 and MTH 256

ENGR 211 Statics (3)

  • Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer term
  • Prerequisites: MTH 252

ENGR 213 Strength of Materials (3)

  • Fall, Winter and Spring term
  • Prerequisites: ENGR 211

MATS 321 Introduction to Materials Science (4)

  • Fall and Winter term
  • Prerequisites: CH 232/272

MTH 256 Applied Differential Equations (4)

  • Fall, Winter and Spring term
  • Prerequisites: MTH 254


CH 401 or CHE 401 Undergraduate research (3)

  • Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer term
  • Prerequisites: Instructor approval

CH 513 Solid State Chemistry (3)

  • Spring term
  • Prerequisites: CH 442 recommended

ECE 416 Electronic Materials and Devices (4)

  • Fall term
  • Prerequisites: ENGR 201 or equivalent

ENGR 212 Dynamics (3)

  • Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer term
  • Prerequisites: ENGR 211 and PH 211

ENGR 221 The Science, Engineering And Social Impact Of Nanotechnology (3)

  • Fall term
  • Prerequisites: One Year of College Science

MATS 322 Mechanical Properties of Materials (3)

  • Winter and Spring term
  • Prerequisites: ENGR 213, MATS 321

ME 316 Mechanics of Materials (3)

  • Fall and Winter term
  • Prerequisites: ENGR 213 and MTH 256

ME 581 Thermodynamics of Solids (4) (cross listed as MATS 581)

  • Fall term

* = may be taken currently