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Spring 2024 Undergraduate of the Quarter – Phoebe Lee

Spring 2024 Undergraduate of the Quarter – Phoebe Lee

Phoebe Lee was born in China, but immigrated young and grew up in Portland, OR where she attended Clackamas High School. She applied as a chemistry undergrad because she enjoyed the chemistry courses in high school. As she studied chemistry further in college, she loved chemistry for its versatility and complexity. Oregon State University has a strong research-oriented science program. Knowing she wanted to major in chemistry, accessible research experience in invaluable. Plus, the campus is beautiful, and allows her to stay close to her family and friends. She is currently performing research in OSU’s Mass Spectrometry Center with Dr. Maier’s group under guidance from a graduate mentor. Currently, they are using mass spectrometry and imaging technology to analyze brain tissues of mice with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). By charactering the lipid profile of mice brains, they hope to identify significant lipid biomarkers for pre-symptomatic AD diagnosis. She got into research through OSU’s STEM Leaders Program her freshman year. It matched me with Dr. Maier’s lab, and she’s been researching since! She wants to continue in higher education. Graduate school is the goal, but ultimately she plans to join industry. Reading is her favorite past time. She also enjoys being outdoors, practicing music, and spending time with her friends and family. Her favorite book is All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. With the weather getting warmer, her favorite food is tending towards cold, fresh fruit. Her favorite fruit during the summer is Hami melon (like a cantaloupe but oblong in shape, sweeter in taste, and crispier in texture).

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